Personal views about data science

What are we talking about here?

This blog gathers posts on data science with two tags: opinion and technical.

Opinion posts most often consist of debunking the bullshit on data mining, Big Data, smart data, deep learning, artificial intelligence.

Technical posts briefly describe notions on data science and related topics, trying not to become a poor wiki.

Who are we?

We are brothers.

We are both data scientists, hence comfortable with the whole range of data science subjects.

Antoine is a mathematician at ENS Cachan, specialist in random graphs.

Thomas is an engineer from the École Centrale de Lyon and a physicist specialist in fusion plasmas.

Contact us on {firstname} if you like to hear more from us, and {contact} for professional enquiries.

Why this blog?

First, for us. Share our opinions rather than ruminating on them in our corner, clarify our ideas, take a step back.

Next, for our potential readers. Perhaps, they want to read something other than the media hype of Gafam. Wikipedia is great, but sometimes you need an expert's perspective to sort out what's important. And we don't always have the time or the courage to educate ourselves by reading the vast scientific or technical literature.

We have chosen to make our content freely available. At a time when generative systems are rotting the web, this is a militant choice. If you wish to contribute to the financing of this site, simply click on the euro sign at the bottom of the page, and choose your contribution if you like.

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