You're old, Dad

But not too old, anyway. That's what my daughter dares to say. One is not serious when one is six years old (and a half).

Generalist and Specialist

The chair-keyboard interface who writes is a guy who is almost 42 years old.
The age for answers to important questions, Douglas Adams would say.

I've worked 10 years in physics, in France and England. Magnetic fusion, turbulent plasmas, and nuclear fission. A lot of computing and programming. A lot of raw data. With a constant obligation: to do, to prove, to convince. These things are not learned by reading three Medium posts.


In my life as a physicist, we already talked about disruption. A disruption is what happens when the confinement of a plasma is suddenly lost. Some modeled it, others measured it. Nothing to do with the meaning of this word in the digital innovation world.


Artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, quantum computers, etc. Disruption is everywhere. Disruption is everywhere? It's mostly in the empty speeches of smooth talkers. The sophists of the tech and corporate world.


Inspirational speeches are a nuisance. A way to distract the executives. The Disneyland for decision-makers. It's silly. Better to read Isaac Asimov, Dan Simmons, or others.


We leave literature to the commentators.
I work.
My team works.
We work on our files.
We work on our programs.
We have a duty to deliver results.


Computer science and mathematics are merciless disciplines.
Results are binary: it works or it does not.
You have to prove yourself every time.
That's what we like.
Far, far away from the tech tutorials that proliferate on the net.

A Matter of Method

Artificial intelligence does not exist, we've told you.
It's primarily business intelligence and decision making tools.
It requires analysis and method.

The entire field boils down to analysis and method.
Technologies and tools do evolve rapidly.
The profession must adapt and discover these new tools.
We do it every day.


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